Neil Turley Typhoon Cues
Neil Turley – Typhoon 8 Ball Coaching is a one on one coaching can be arranged by appointment in either our shop after hours or on your table at home. Groups or teams can also be catered for as required. We also stock and have access to a number of coaching aids from instructional DVDs to training balls, cues etc.
Working with your strengths to overcome your weaknesses. I am a firm believer that the better you can do something, the more enjoyable it becomes. Teaching everything from the basics through to advanced shots is all part of any cue sport discipline, but I work with you in your comfort zone using your best natural abilities to find your best mindset. I’m far from the greatest player around myself, but I understand the game and having a background in teaching various other life skills I can help find the best in you.
Eight Ball Coach Accreditation
The course is initially being offered free of charge, only to those people with a valid Australian postal address. The course is subsidized by the Australian Sports Commission to encourage beginner coaches to undertake training. Learners are encouraged only to enroll if they are genuinely interested in completing the course. Learners will have six months from the date of enrolment to complete the course.