8 Ball Coach Beginning Coaching Course
The Beginning Coaching General Principles online course has been developed to assist coaches to learn the basic skills of coaching, particularly those coaches working with children. The course is currently free of charge to Australian coaches.
The course contains five modules, covering a range of general coaching topics including; the role and responsibilities expected of a coach, planning, safety, working with parents, communication, group management and inclusive coaching practices. It takes approximately six hours to complete, and there is assessment included at the end of each module.
The Beginning Coaching General Principles Course is a flexible learning course which can be completed in a number of ways.
1: Just head to www.ausport.gov.au and following the online training links and complete on online course.
AU: https://learning.ausport.gov.au
2: Attend a Beginning Coaching General Principles Course conducted by your State/Territory Sport and Recreation.
More details are available here Accreditation and the AEBF is the National Sporting Organisation for EightBall Development.
8 Ball Coach Beginning Coaching Course