Learn to Play Eight Ball Check your Stance
Learn to Play Eight Ball Check your Stance The purpose of the stance is to form a consistent, comfortable and solid base from which to deliver the cue on line of the shot with minimum movement in the body. The right foot (for right handed play) should be comfortable on or near the line of the shot and the left foot comfortably square or ahead of the right foot.
The hips should swivel (left hip forward and down) and the right leg straight (or near straight) and the left leg comfortably bent. Learn to Play Eight Ball Check your Stance
This allows room for the cue to pass above the right foot and alongside the right hip. The cue placed on the bridge hand and the chin and chest laying as flat to the horizontal cue as the table and position of the balls allow.
Learn to Play Eight Ball Check your Stance
More details are available here Accreditation and the AEBF is the National Sporting Organisation for EightBall Development.
Learn to Play Eight Ball Check your Stance